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About biodiversity credits

We are your Local Authority for Biodiversity Credits

At Biodiversity Credits NSW, we provide a range of services for developers, stewardship site owners, and those interested in creating stewardship sites. With over 25 years of experience in the ecological consulting industry and extensive experience as a managing large consulting firms, our Principal Advisor, Adam Blundell, brings both the ecological understanding and commercial understanding clients need when buying or selling Biodiversity Credits.

About credit brokering

What is Credit Brokering?

Biodiversity Credit brokering is the utilisation of an industry expert with extensive experience in the environmental consulting field and an understanding of how the biodiversity offset scheme works. They need to be able to apply this to both land owners wanting to establish a stewardship site and for developers needing to meet there biodiversity offset obligations. A biodiversity credit broker should be able to clearly show any potential client their extensive experience in this field and offer the following services:

  • Identify potential biodiversity stewardship sites, demonstrate they are commercially viable for land owners including an understanding of demand for the potentially generated biodiversity credits, or that the site will help meet a developer's offset obligations.
  • Articulate the expected management actions required for a stewardship in-perpetuity.
  • Negotiate a biodiversity agreement on behalf of a landholder.
  • Assist with buying or selling biodiversity credits.
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Ecosystem credits

What are Ecosystem Credits?

Ecosystem Credits measure the value of threatened ecological communities, threatened species habitat for species that can be reliably predicted to occur with a Plant Community Type (PCT).

Species credits

What are Species Credits?

Species credits apply to all other threatened species which are found to occur in that location and cannot be reliably predicted to occur within the identified ecological communities within the development site.

Our services

We provide professional services for buying & selling Biodiversity Credits in NSW

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Site Identification

We Identify a potential Stewardship Site for a Developer or prospective Stewardship Site Owner.

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Buying And Selling Credits

We assist our client with the buying and selling of biodiversity credits (ecosystem credits and species credits).

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We handle a negotiation of a biodiversity agreement (biodiversity stewardship site assessment report (BSSAR) process) for a Landowner.

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We organize and handle the management of the potential Stewardship Site.


How Does It Work?

Biodiversity Credits NSW handles everything you need in order to keep things easy to handle and have the best outcome for our clients. From Site feasibility, all the way until management of the potential Stewardship Site, by doing so we allow our clients to have the best possible experience with buying and selling their Biodiversity Credits.  

Site Feasibility

Site feasibility assesses the site to ensure it is commercially viable. It also allows us to manage risk for the client before committing to large sums of money.

Establish Stewardship Site

Establish stewardship site through survey and preparation of documents required to lodge the Biodiversity Stewardships Site Assessment with the taskforce.

Broker Credits

Selling the established ecosystem and species credits on the open market using over 24 years of experience and extensive networks.

Manage Stewardship Site

Management of both mandatory (such as weed control and management of human disturbances) and site specific BSA obligations to meet legislated requirements and achieve improved biodiversity values.


"As far as this property is concerned, Biodiversity Credits NSW is the best thing that has ever happened."

Mark Farrell
Owner - Raglan Property

"Biodiversity Credits NSW are a one stop shop, right from the credit going on the market through to when it is sold."

Mark Farrell
Owner - Raglan Property

"Biodiversity Credits NSW market the credits and introduce potential buyers to us."

Mark Farrell
Owner - Raglan Property
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to purchase the exact credit type Im am impact on my development site?


The answer to this is no for Plant Community Types (PCT’s) and yes for species credits. The like for like rules apply to the offset trading groups for PCT’s. Offset Trading Groups (OTGs) are groups of PCT’s with the same vegetation class and threat status. The group could have many PCT’s that fall within this group, therefore opening up options for developers when looking to satisfy there ecosystem credit obligations.

What is an SAII and why is this impacting my development application?


An SAII is a serious and irreversible impact, affecting a threatened species or community. The threatened species that this applies to have been determine by the fact that the species is already in rapid rate of decline, have a small population size, a have limited geographic range and that the species is unlikely to respond to measures to help the threatened species or community recover. This could be impacting you development application because there has not been enough effort to show avoidance of this species or community. Avoidance is always the starting point, then mitigation measures and lastly offsets.

How do I know if my potential stewardship site is worth doing?


The best way to understand if your potential stewardship site is worth doing, commercially viable, would be to have a desktop feasibility assessment conducted for the site. The type of information you need to know would be: what credits could be generated, both ecosystem and species credits, are these credits in demand by developers at the moment, what is the likely credit yield, what is the credit sale price, what other costs do a i need to understand and how do I sell my credits. Also if I establish a stewardship site, what management obligations do I have and over what time period. A desktop feasibility assessment would be the starting point to have these questions answered, and allow you to make an informed decision before committing significant funds to establishing a stewardship site.

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